Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lookie Lookie!

After months of searching and many tears we have found a house!  We close next week.  Right now we are packing.  Oh, my, gosh.  My house is trashed.  There are no pictures of this because, well it's bad.  I have moved seven times in four years and Hopefully this will be our last for some time!  We are super super excited!  There will be more pictures when we are moved in and decorated, for the moment the pictures have all the other family's stuff in it haha.

Also, I want to brag on my husband.  I did not see eye to eye with our realtor.  She grated on my nerves.  Josh almost completely took over the house searching and realtor calling when I reached the end of my rope.  I am SOOOOOOO proud of Josh!  He doesn't like to make decisions and do all calling stuff but he stepped up and took care of it cause he loves me.  And he loves my sanity.   And values my sanity.  Thank you Love!  You da best!

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