Tuesday, February 12, 2019

B Week- Buggy and Bubbly Fun

It's B Week bi--er, besties!  It was another fun, fine motor packed week, but this time there were brownies so I have to say that it was better than A week.  We had one day where Cordie was puny so that messed up our schedule a bit and we didn't quite get everything accomplished that we wanted.  Here was what we did get done:

Monday:  Bubba visit and Beauty and the Beast
Tuesday:  Bake Brownies and Bonus Bubbles
Wednesday:  Bug fossils and Build with Blocks
Thursday:  Bubble snake and Bunny B
Friday:  B worksheet and Bean Balance

My grandmother is called Bubba, so you may not have this activity available to you haha!  We went to Bubba's where Cordie played in the leaves and had some sort of allergic reaction.  That prompted an evening of laying around with a rash, itchy eyes, and low grade fever, but it was a great time to get in Beauty and the Beast!  Problem:  Cordie was scared of the wolves in the movie and is now scared of monsters in her room, so this day was a bit of disaster.  Your mileage may vary.

By Tuesday, Cords had rallied, but our day was hectic.  We baked brownies which were super delish.  It was warm and sunny (hallelujah!) so Cordie went outside and got in some bubble blowing that hadn't been on the schedule, but still began with B.  She cracks me up taking the deepest possible breath to blow bubbles.  The brownies ended up being our fine motor skill for that day because of sunshine.  She did really great filling the teaspoons and spreading the brownies in the pan.

Wednesday we did bug fossils, which was a fun activity and so easy.  I'm all about easy.  Take plastic bugs, press into play-doh to see the impression they leave, presto-Done!  Working and shaping the play-doh works her hand muscles and gently lifting the bugs out by their legs works her fine motor skills. 

Later we did Legos.  I have never liked Legos, but I like the idea of Legos.  The last time Cordie and I tried this particular set she got VERY upset because she couldn't get her building to look like what she had in her mind.  Today was totally different!  She built all by herself and happily narrated what each piece's purpose was.  It's so cool to watch how much and how quickly kid's grow and change.

Thursday was another nice day outside.  My soul needed it.  We have had crazy, insane amounts of rain and I need the sun like a fish needs water.  We made a bubble snake by blowing through a cut off water bottle with a baby washcloth on the end.  The bubble solution was dish soap, water, and corn syrup.  The corn syrup helps the bubbles adhere to one another and form a snake.  If you have gylcerin that would work even better, but I didn't have any and didn't want to buy any just for this.  You can find gylcerin in the cake section of a hobby store (it's used in fondant) or in the first section. 

We also made a B into a bunny with cotton balls and ears.  This worked her hand muscles by squeezing the glue and helping to cut out the ears.  It worked her fine motor skills when she used a pink marker to color in the ears, and of course cutting is a f.m. skill as well.

Friday we did a bean balance.  I would do this again when she's beginning to learn math.  It's quick and easy and is a great way to visualize the concept of "equal to".  To work her motor skills, I gave her three different sizes of "picker-uppers", a scoop, a spoon, and tweezers.  She used these to put black beans in the two cups to make them balance.

Finally we did our B worksheet, which was a real struggle.  I didn't do it at her best time and she was fighting me.  Also, B is a much harder shape to make than A or C.  Mom fail.  Oh well, we still have 24 weeks to improve upon that.

Onward to C week!

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